Let’s get started.

Being a leader in today’s workplaces brings a different challenge nearly every day. To be effective, you need a partner who can quickly get up to speed with your realities and support you in leading with purpose.

Running the Business

Without hesitation, executives know their business goals. Yet when asked what leadership mindset and behaviors they need to exhibit to ensure those outcomes, there’s often a pause.

Time and again, executives confess that purposefully thinking about how they are leading falls to the back burner. Constant requests for their time and attention make it incredibly daunting to step back and consider the impact they’re having on those around them.

Tuning In to Leadership

In the midst of it all, the question is: how can you ensure you’re paying attention to what your organization needs most from you as a leader?

This is where Initiate can help.

Initiate helps executives create and sustain an intentional focus on their own development so that they can stay aligned with the changing needs of their organizations.


I want to be a more purposeful leader.

My team isn’t working to
its full potential.

We need to
develop leaders throughout
the organization

Meet Initiate’s President

Initiate was created in 2007 by Joanie Rufo. Joanie spent the first half of her career facilitating boardroom-level decision-making and advising executives in high-growth industries. She has the ability to quickly grasp clients’ business realities and to align leadership development efforts with organizational goals. She started Initiate to engage fully in her own development and to use her learning to serve others.